Tuesday, September 25, 2007


This Glasgow-based indie rock band has been described as fun, vibrant music without requiring originality, variety, or strong lyrics, according to Critical Culture. But don't let a review like that drizzle on the parade, because the critical consensus rates the latest album, Cookies, "good". The track, You're Supposed to be My Friend represents rock in all its distorted glory. Another alehouse anthem for young blood that will rub rockers raw-red. And spiked with songwriter Jackie McKeown's painfully honest clowning. The lyrics remind me of the ironic dilemma of being friends with someone who is also too busy with other things and other people to ever be around. Jackie may have been a reclusive studio-dweller while the 1990s were laying down tracks.
You're never home!
You're never at my place neither
Well that makes two of us!

Along with indie rock, Cookies typifies power pop with it's catchy hooks and spunky guitar riffs. But that category title does nothing for the connotation of the partier-driven jams of the 1990s. Your music collection needs another splash - two shots of Rock straight-up.

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